



1     陈岚       A Novel Detection Method Based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation Decoding of A 6-bit Chipless Radio Frequency Identification Coded Tag       IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

2     张雷       Distributed H_infinity filtering over sensor networks subject to randomly occurred nonlinearity and time-varying topology  IEEE Access

3     李秀英    H-infinity Control with Multiple Packets Compensation Scheme for T-S Fuzzy Systems Subject to Cyber Attacks       International Journal of Control, Automation, and Control

4     马向华    Trajectory Tracking Control of Robot Manipulators Based on U-model     Mathematical Problems in Engineering

5     曹开田    Spectrum Handoff Based on DQN Predictive Decision for Hybrid Cognitive Radio Networks Sensors

6     曹开田    Accurate and Practical Energy Detection over α-μ Fading Channels     Sensors

7     陈岚       Research on Multi-sensor Wireless Network Based on Complex Tunnel Engineering and Its Data Pushing Method       PIERS - Fall 2019 - Proceedings

8     赵怀林    Design Of The Automatic Control System For Restaurant Food Delivery Based On PLC  Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and BioMedical Sciences (ICIIBMS2020)

9     沈希忠    Agility Detector Designed for Automobile Detection   CISC2020

10    王飞       Robust Control of Networked Discrete-Event Systems Using Predictive Supervisors Proc. Chin. Control Decis. Conf.

11    马向华    Asymmetric Convolution Networks Based on Multi-feature Fusion for Object Detection  CASE2020

12    沈希忠    Speech Enhancement Based on Adaptive Harmonic Model Using Maximum Likelihood Method     ICDSP 2020

13    李丹菁    Research on Reversible Lane optimization Based on hierarchicaI Programming ModeI     Proceedings of 2020 IEEE 4th Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference

14    马向华    A Real-time Multipoint-based Object Detector     ICCIA2020

15    钱平       Fractional-order PID Controller for Four Rotor Aircraft Based on Genetic Algorithm      Source:Proceedings of 2020 IEEE 4th Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference, ITNEC 2020, p 67-70, June 2020, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc

16    马向华    Anti-Swing Strategy Of Overhead Cranes Based On Prescribed Performance PID Control      International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing

17    马向华    Towards improving constrained robust model predictive control with free control moves International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control

18    蒋文萍    Design of Winding Parameters Based on Multiobjective Decision-Making and Fuzzy Optimization Theory    Journal of Control Science and Engineering

19    李晓斌    A Method of Non-Line-of-Sight Measurement and Location       Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

20    林伟       Search on Temperature Control System of Ink Path of Inkjet Printer Based on Dynamic Matrix Control Algorithm       IEEE

21    马向华    Computer vision-based road crack detection using an improved I-UNet convolutional networks      2020 CCDC

22    赵怀林    Self-balancing car based on Adaptive Fuzzy PID Control    Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics

23    赵怀林    Graph-based Global Reasoning Network for Crowd Counting    Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics

24    赵怀林    Crowd counting method based on improved CSRnet   Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics

25    赵怀林    Path Planning Based on Improved Artificial Potential Field Method   Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics

26    赵怀林    Crowd Counting Network with Self-attention Distillation   Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics

27    王文峰    A Deep Multi-view Active Learning for Large-scale  Image Classification       OAES 2020

28    王文峰    Research on occluded face recognition model in 3D-visualization scene     3DIT-MSP&DL2020

29    王文峰    Improving Robustness and Time  Efficiency with Weight Function in Occlusion Face  Recognition     ICAICE 2020

30    李晓斌    基于改进VMD的高炉开口机振动信号降噪方法     机械设计与研究

31    沈希忠    单片机受力检测系统教学案例设计    教育教学论坛

32    宗剑       异步电机无速度传感器解耦矢量控制       电气传动

33    丁肇红    基于复杂工程问题能力培养的控制理论课程群教学探索       教育教学论坛

34    荆学东    基于改进A~*算法的一种智能车路径规划方法       科学技术与工程

35    宗剑       基于滑模变结构控制的内置式永磁同步电机无位置传感器控制    电机与控制应用

36    赵立辉    聚焦解决复杂工程能力的物联网课程教学改革       辽宁工业大学学报

37    钱平       基于Blob分析的四旋翼飞行器悬停控制  电光与控制

38    荆学东    6R双臂服务机器人协作空间分析及参数优化  机械科学与技术

39    赵怀林    基于DSP的高可靠舵机控制器设计   电气传动

40    赵怀林    无人机群多目标协同主动感知的自组织映射方法-  智能系统学报

41    沈希忠    更具有感情色彩的诗歌生成模型.      计算机系统应用

42    蒋文萍    灰色关联理论下的移动机器人故障诊断方法研究    现代电子技术

43    李晓斌    一种改进的混合灰狼优化SVM预测算法及应用     激光与光电子学进展

44    华容       无人机群多目标协同主动感知的自组织映射方法    智能系统学报

45    宗剑       《电气传动》课程的探索与研究       中国校外教育

46    王文峰    科技战疫没有局外人-与认知计算的不解之缘  CAAI认知系统与信息处理专委会

47    马向华    改进 A* 算法在桥式起重机中的应用      自动化仪表

48    丁肇红    “自动控制原理”课程思政建设研究       科教导刊

49    钱婷婷    减少就业“匹配摩擦”       解放日报

50    丁肇红    面向环境探测的多智能体自组织目标搜索算法       智能系统学报

51    曹开田    认知无线网络中频谱预测技术研究进展    应用技术学报

52    茅丰       基于DSPFPGA电子芯片的舰船导航系统设计   舰船科学技术

53    沈希忠    LSTMGRU在城市声音分类中的研究和应用      应用技术学报

54    沈希忠    农业智能数据采集系统的开发与应用       灌溉排水学报

55    安静       一种基于lightGBM 框架改进的GBDT风力发电机叶片开裂预测方法     应用技术学报

56    沈希忠    基于深度卷积神经网络和局部敏感哈希的图像检索       应用技术大学学报
